Julia S. Blog: "The Lady and the Tiger" How it Really Ended

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"The Lady and the Tiger" How it Really Ended

     Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right, and opened it.  When the door was completely open, he saw neither a lady, or a tiger.  He saw nothing but the inside of the room that he had thought would've held someone, or something inside of it.  He heard gasps from the crowd.  He turned around, looking for some type of guidance form the Princess, but she had disappeared.  He wasn't sure what to think.  Maybe it had all been a trick in the first place, a test of trust from the Princess.  Or maybe the King wanted to see if he would be brave enough to step into the arena at all. All of sudden through his thoughts, he heard a blood curdling scream. He looked around, but didn't seem to see anyone in the crowd screaming.  He realized, that whoever was screaming, must have been somewhere inside of the room. He peeked in, but saw nothing more than a dark grey cell, and a single door.  He knew it must be coming from the other side of the door.

    As he walked into the room to open the door on the inside, he felt chills go down his spine.  He didn't realize that he was actually very scared about what may be occurring behind the door, but he was a brave man!  He walked straight through the door to see a full on fight between the Princess and the woman who must have been behind the door.  While he was shocked at the sight going on, he realized that the princess must have really cared about him if she was going to let hime live and marry another woman rather than die.  Though, maybe she just let him pick the door with the other woman because she would be easier to fight off than the tiger.  Either way, he was pleased.  Than all of a sudden, he saw blood trickling down the woman's front.  The woman who was behind the door, the one he was supposed to marry.  He looked at the princess in disbelief.  Then he ran up to her, he knew they could now be together, if they could keep it a secret.  They would have to run away.  All of a sudden, the King came into the door they had been behind.  He looked at the woman on the floor, and he was mortified. 

     He saw the woman laying on the floor, dead and lifeless.  He knew it must've been the Princess because the young man had just been in the arena, unarmed.  He looked at his daughter, though proud she was able to fight another and win, was disappointed that she had actually murdered somebody.  He knew the only punishment for murder, would be to put the murderer into the arena, to see their fate.  How could he do that to his own daughter?  Though being the King, he must obey and follow his own rules, to set an example for others.  So, he reminded her of the punishment, and sent her to prepare to be put into the arena.  She wept as she walked home to prepare.

    The next day, bright and early, was the day that the princess would choose her fate in the arena.  She stood there, tall and proud, thinking she would definitely make the right choice.  She was a Princess, wasn't she?  She figured the king would never put the person behind the same door twice in a row, that would make it too easy to figure out, wouldn't it?  Or maybe he was trying to trick her into picking the other door, even though a handsome man would be waiting for her in the right door, as a beautiful woman was the day before.  She thought about it for a while longer, and then made her choice.  She walked confidently to the door on the left. Now, I leave it up to you, fair reader.  Who did the Princess choose, the Man, or the Tiger?


  1. Awesome girly fight, i thought that was a nice funny twist! I like how descriptive you were about how the king must kill his own daughter, as well with the dead person.

  2. You can't leave it like that! I mean just finish the story with the princess' choice. I mean awesome other than that.
