Julia S. Blog: Schooled: Week of 1/26/15

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Schooled: Week of 1/26/15

Pages- 100-180
Prompt- What are three things the main character has done that may end up getting him or herself in trouble?

With Capricorn Anderson living on a "hippie commune farm" for his whole life, he wasn't too clear on how things in the real world worked. So, he kind of just did things the best he could with the knowledge he had, but it's what he didn't know that could really get him in serious trouble!

     The first thing Cap does that could get him in serious trouble is putting other people in charge of helping organize the school dance. Because Cap is 8th grade President, he is in charge of organizing the Halloween dance. Though, with the fact that he had never gone to public school, it made panning this dance pretty hard. He had never been to a dance before in his life! Once people start to ask him how the planning is going, he just tells them that he hasn't started planning yet. As it gets closer to the dance, kids begin volunteering to get DJ's and food and decorations! All of this sounds great to Cap, because everyone's helping him out and taking care of things for him, but it could lead to disaster! He doesn't know how all of it's working out, if everything everyone said they were going to do, they actually did, and at one point, he didn't even know where to get the money from to pay for all of it! How can a dance run smoothly when there are so many cooks in the kitchen, and the head chef doesn't even have a clear picture of what's going on! Cap could get in serious trouble if the dance turns out to be a train wreck! Clearly, it's a recipe for disaster (see what I did there?). 

     The next thing Cap does that could get him in serious trouble, is using student activity fund cheques, for things that don't have anything to do with student activities through the school! When Cap is planning the Halloween dance, he finally learns that he gets the money to pay for the dance through the student activities fund. All of the money in the fund, was being held at the bank. So, instead of giving Cap hundreds of dollars to carry around to cover expenses for the dance, the principal (Mr. Kasigi) just gives him a couple of pre-signed cheques. Though Cap has the complete wrong idea of how a cheque works because Mr. Kasigi, not realizing honestly how clueless Cap was, and thinking it was common sense to know how a cheque worked, didn't fully explain how to use the cheques. Cap thought it was like spending free money. The little piece of paper could be worth lots of money, but it wouldn't actually cost anything. That's not the case at all, but Cap treated it like that. He donated thousands of dollars to different charities and tried to use the money in ways that would simply make people happy. Though, when Mr. Kasigi finds out that thousands of dollars from the school funds were used for non-school related things, Cap's probably going to be in a sticky situation.

     The last thing Cap does that could get him in trouble, is actually an act of kindness. While his grandmother was going through rehab, Cap was staying with the Donnelly family. It was just Mrs. Donnelly and her daughter Sophie, because Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly were divorced (so Mr. Donnelly did not live with them). Sophie's father was often in and out of her life, and when he would be in it, he would get her hopes up about something or other, and then flee again. So, as you can imagine, she was often unhappy. Her father comes to visit her at one point in the novel, and gets her a beautiful bracelet as a belated birthday gift. He told Sophie he was going to get it engraved, and get it back to her. Though soon he fled again, and the bracelet never returned. When Cap had the cheques from the student activity funds, he just so happened to see the exact same bracelet in a jewelry store window. With the loving heart he had, Cap decided to buy it with one of the cheques and send it to her, but like it was from her father. She would think her father had sent it, and become joyful once again. I think if she ever finds out Cap was actually the one who sent it, though it was a nice gesture, she will be upset (like any teenager who has a "flaky" Dad) because she would realize her Dad didn't care as much as she thought he had when he sent the bracelet, and she will be mad that Cap lied to her about it.

I Commented On: Leanna, Citlalli, and Stanley.

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