Julia S. Blog: Choose Your Own Adventure: Week of 1/5/15

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Choose Your Own Adventure: Week of 1/5/15

Prompt: When was the last time you did something for the first time?

There are actually some pretty interesting things that I've only recently done for the first time in my life, and I can't wait to share them!

     To begin with, something that I've only recently done for the first time, is get my ears pierced! I feel like most girls get their ears pierced when they are younger like, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, or their parents get their ears pierced for them when they are babies. Though, others sometimes, aren't allowed to get their ears pierced until a certain age, and some people just decide not to get their ears pierced at all. None of these were the case for me; I didn't get my ears pierced as a baby, I didn't get them done when I was younger, my parents had no problems with me getting them pierced, and I actually really wanted to get them pierced! So, why did I only get them pierced 1 month ago? Simply because I was nervous it was going to be excruciatingly painful! Even though every single person who had gotten theirs done said it was hardly painful, I was still nervous! Finally, a couple Saturdays ago, I went to the mall with my friend Lizzy. We went shopping, and then went to Claire's so that I could finally get my ears pierced, and so that she could get her's double pierced for her birthday. I sat in the "piercing chair", picking out the earrings I wanted, getting my ears cleaned and marked, then finally, they were ready. I relaxed, shut my eyes, and CLICK, my ears were pierced. It all happened in less than 30 seconds, and it felt the least bit how I imagined it. Now I had gorgeous earrings in my ears, and could buy all sorts of new, and fabulous earrings to wear in the future! I wish I would've gotten them pierced sooner, but at one point, my plan was to never get them pierced at all because I was scared! Though, I was being silly. The only bad part is that I have to clean them three times a day for 6-8 weeks, but I think it's definitely going to be worth it in the end!

     Something else that I've recently done for the first time, is travel over seas! It's certainly not the last time I did something for the first time, as it was about 8 months ago, but it is still recent enough where I have vivid memory of it all! Last spring, my dance team and I traveled to London, England to compete at the World Championships of Irish Dance. It was incredible to go to the competition in the first place (as that is something else I had only done for the first time) but it was like having my cake and eating it too with the fact that the competition was in London! I not only got to go over seas for the first time, but I also got to get my first passport, go on an international (obviously) flight for the first time, and of course, I got to see the city of London for the first time! I got see Big Ben, and the Tower of London, and ride the London Eye, and see a beautiful place that so many people will never have the opportunity to see in their whole entire life! It was a huge first for me, and I still can't get over the fact that I went there! It was absolutely amazing! I hope I will get to travel overseas more in the years to come!

     One last thing I've recently done for the first time, is make my very own, classic, Gingerbread House! Now, building a Gingerbread house sounds like a typical Holiday activity. Though, before this year around Christmas, I hadn't made one single house, except for possibly a tiny milk carton Gingerbread House in 1st Grade! I love decorating things, so I could not wait to a create a house with plenty of candy and frosting, that looked cool and creative at the same time. Knowing me, I would get frustrated half way through, and just eat it, but I decided that I was going to persevere and finish it, that is, if I even made one! My family failed to go out and buy a Gingerbread House making kit, but I still ended up getting to make one at my friend Kate's Birthday party right before Christmas. When everyone got to Kate's house, it turned out that making Gingerbread Houses was part of the activities for the party, and it was going to be a competition. Being my first time, I was already excited, and I really wanted to put effort into the project (I'm being a little dramatic for it being a Gingerbread House, but trust me, this is how I felt). It started off okay, but once I got into it, it turned out pretty awesome, and I ended up winning the competition (mostly because the other girls gave up like halfway through). After everything was finished, the other girls took their Gingerbread Houses outside and smashed them, but I decided to save mine. I wanted to save the very first Gingerbread House that I ever made.


  1. Great Blog! I was scared to get my ears pierced too, but when my little sister got her ears pierced I decided to go for it. It really didn't hurt as much as I thought it would! Anyway, I loved the detail you put into your blog; it was very interesting to read! :)

  2. Dear Autumn,
    I am a teacher from Idaho, and I am going to have my students read your class's blog. I really enjoyed your blog about the many things you have done recently for the first time. I did not get my ears pierced until I was 14 because my parents (mostly my mom, but my dad stayed out of it) wouldn't let me. I LOVE having my ears pierced. I rarely go a day without earrings to match my outfit. Although it sounds kind of cheesy, I really feel that having my ears pierced changed my life. It's funny how a simple thing can change one's confidence.
    I also loved your story about London. I am very jealous because I have still not traveled over seas and I am in my 30s. I also think it is awesome that you do Irish dance. I think that style of dancing is beautiful. I think the story of your trip to London could definitely be told slowed down with more detail. As a reader, I want to know more.
