Julia S. Blog: Time Travel Q & A

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Time Travel Q & A

Time Travel Interview

Q: Where would you go?

A: If I were to go back in time, I would travel to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. to witness the "I Have a Dream Speech" given by Martin Luther King Jr.

Q:To which year or period would you travel?

A: I would travel back August 28, 1963. During a time period where African Americans were discriminated against and treated unfairly in U.S.

Q: Who would you want to meet or what event would you want to witness?

A: I would want to witness the "I Have a Dream Speech" and meet Matin Luther King Jr. if I were to travel back to this time.

Q: Where would you find this person or see this event?

A: I would find Martin Luther King Jr. giving his "I Have a Dream Speech" at out capitol, Washington D.C., in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Q: Why would you want to meet this person or witness this event?

A: I would want to witness the "I Have a Dream Speech" and meet Martin Luther King Jr. for many reasons. Though mainly, because both MLK and his speech, are extremely powerful and inspiring. Every year in school, Martin Luther King Day comes around. We always talk about how incredible the "I Have a Dream Speech" really was! Though, we'll never be able to know what it felt like to witness it in person. It must have been truly breathtaking and incredible! I think it would be amazing to experience an event that special and well known in history. I would also love to meet Martin Luther King Jr. because he had such a huge influence on the U.S. and World. He helped fight for the rights of all people, but especially African Americans. His main goal was for everyone to have equal rights, wand for discrimination against blacks to end. He was able to really open the way for African Americans, even if he didn't completely end discrimination against them. He is truly inspiring. I would love to meet him as he was an extremely motivational and uplifting person!

Q: How might YOU change history?

A: I might change History by being able to help Martin Luther King Jr. enforce the idea that everyone should have equal freedoms and rights! I think if I came from the future, people would think I was very important. They would be in utter shock, and would probably be intrigued with what I had to say. If I could convince the people that everyone should in fact be treated the same, no matter what color their skin is, they might really listen. I could also inform them that we actually will have an African American President in the future. If they find this out, their minds may also be changed about blacks. If they find out how far African Americans have come, they might realize they need to start treating them differently. Martin Luther King Jr. might not be assassinated for all we know! If I could change their minds, the way blacks are treated could change a lot faster. This could change history completely! African Americans could have an even bigger impact on our lives than they do even today!

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you included a specific historical event in our country's history. In my own blog I also wanted to go visit Martin Luther King Jr , but I focused more on saving his life. I like you idea of enforcing his idea around the country, which would make a bigger impact. In my Time Travel blog I mentioned that I would like to save him from his assassination but your idea truly showed the impact of his speech. Great Blog Post.
