Julia S. Blog: Things Not Seen: Week of 2/16/15

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Things Not Seen: Week of 2/16/15

Pages: 0-50
Prompt: How would you feel if you were facing the same conflict as the main character?

     The main character of Things Not Seen, Bobby, has one of the most terrible and complex conflicts I've ever read about. Bobby becomes invisible, and he has absolutely no idea how or why it happened! Bobby simply woke up one morning, and when he got out of the shower, he couldn't see his reflection in the mirror. At that point, I would already be out of my mind! I would be freaking out, and probably crying uncontrollably because I would be so scared and confused with my situation. Though, Bobby is extremely calm and composed. He is scared, but he doesn't let any of this hinder his composure. He speaks to his parents calmly, even when they think he is messing around with them, and even when they start to lose their composure a little bit. I would be nothing like Bobby in this situation, I would be worried about my health, and whether or not my body would ever return to normal. Bobby is worried about these things, again, but doesn't show his worry by getting frazzled, he simply keeps it in.

     Like I briefly mentioned, Bobby told his parents that he was invisible, but at first they didn't believe him. Once they realized he was actually in a predicament though, they were genuinely worried and scared. Despite this, his parents both left the house later that day to take part in certain obligations, and only told their son, through a note! They didn't even explain to Bobby personally what they needed to do and it's importance, they just left a note that said, "Bobby- I couldn't get a sub for my Yeats seminar, so I'm prepping now at my office. I'll be in Adler Hall from 3:30-4:30, then I'll come right home. I called the office at school and said you had the flu, and Mrs. Savin will hold your homework for me at the office. Dad will be home early, a little before 4, right after a meeting with his team. Don't worry Bobby. Just watch TV or something. Call me if there's an emergency. Everything is going to be alright.  Love, Mom." Like Bobby did in the novel, I would feel pretty angry at this point. I mean, for all I would know, I could disappear from existence completely at any point, and my parents are willing to just leave me at home. I realize that adults do have responsibilities, but if you're kid just became invisible out of the blue, I'm sure you could hold off on a meeting or seminar. I would be furious with my parents for leaving me at home if I was in Bobby's situation at this point, and I would also be frustrated at the fact that it doesn't seem like they're taking the situation as seriously as they should be. People don't just become invisible on a regular basis!

     Besides leaving Bobby home alone, his parents also decided to hold off on bringing him to any doctor or specialists in fear of the exposure it would bring their family. Bobby's parents were worried about the publicity the "Invisible Child" would bring. I understand where Bobby's mom and dad are coming from, and I'm not sure Bobby is particularly angry or upset about this decision as he normally doesn't enjoy attention being brought to himself. Though, I would be very annoyed and enraged if my parents didn't want to take me to get checked out! I would want to do anything I could to get answers, and that's kind of impossible if you aren't taken to be looked at by a doctor or scientist. I would be very irritated if my parents decided not to get me looked at because it would bring publicity and possibly even make them look like bad parents! Their kids health should be the number one priority, not their image!

     Overall, I would be extremely anxious and panicked if I was facing the same conflict as Bobby. He's invisible, and at this point, his parents don't have a whole lot of answers on how to solve the problem.

I commented on Emily's Blog, Abdiel's Blog, and Steven's Blog.

1 comment:

  1. I also read this book for battle of the books, and I just want to say this a great book. The ending will completely surprise you. The amount of detail you put in this blog post makes it even more interesting and I learned details that were previously unknown to me. I do feel bad for Bobby due to the reason he is invisible and his life is completely changed. I found out that this is a series. Great Blog Post!
